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January 17th is a Disaster Drill Day

"Citizens' Safety Promote" Kobe municipal ordinance has been enforced

For Safety and Peaceful Life

Utilize the disaster as lesson

Past three years from last Great Earthquake. For utilize our experiences to protect our life from disaster, crime or accident, Kobe City enforced the municipal ordinance �The Kobe municipal ordinance of Citizens� Safety Promote� when January 17th.

The basic policy of the municipal ordinance is

  1. Cultivate the rich regional activity.

  2. Preparedness to the emergency by utilizes the disaster as lesson and passes the message or things to the next generation.

The duty to the each Citizens, Agencies and City Hall has stipulated.

Also the day of the last Great Earthquake January 17th are officially ruled as �Citizens� Disaster Drill Day�.

Toshihiko Yasui
OFFICE: 2-15-27 Mikage-honmachi, Higashinada, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0048 JAPAN
E-mail yasui@yasui.net
Voice 81-78-842-3020 FAX 81-78-841-3090

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